Simple & Easy Gardening Advice

I’m Megan and my mission in life is to help gardeners cut through the noise of all the overcomplicated gardening advice out there by keeping it simple.

I offer up smart solutions that work to get you more food from all of your gardening efforts.


a daily jaunt out to your garden to harvest fresh ingredients for dinner.

the pleasure that comes from creating something with your own hands – a garden, a meal, a bouquet of fresh flowers for the dinner table.

biting into real food with real flavor. Red tomatoes bursting with ripeness, crisp green spinach leaves, spicy yellow peppers, and earthy carrots in all the colors of the rainbow. This is what food is supposed to taste like!

You're in the right place if...

My hunch is that you’re here because you’re not interested in bumbling your way through, wasting time and money.

I hear ya! I’m all about gardening the smart way.

If you have a “get it done” attitude, a curious and independent spirit, and a willingness to experiment with new ideas we’re going to get along great!

Here’s how I roll:

1) Essentials first. Then the details.
We’ll always focus on the essentials first, helping you skip over the common mistakes by stripping things back to the basics. Let’s make sure you’re growing more food and getting the results you want.

Then, once you’ve got that down, I’ll help you bring more pleasure to the whole experience by guiding you in delving more deeply into the beautiful details of gardening with some fun experimentation. This is when you start to really experience the ways in which gardening can transform your life.

2) Maximum Reward
We’re shooting for the beautiful gardens that yield lots of food for the least amount of effort. Because eating fresh food straight from your garden is a life-changing experience that we want you to have every single day.

Some colorful facts about me

In 2019 my husband and I put our businesses on the backburner, rented out our house, and hit the road on a year-long tour of US National Parks in a cute teardrop trailer we named Fresa. It was the best year of our lives so far. I wrote some reflections before the year started here.

I like to call my gardening philosophy “Gardening in Full Color”. You can read my little manifesto about that here.

You can tour my garden at my old house here, and my new house here.

I grew up an urban girl in a row home in Philadelphia. I never saw a vegetable growing in the ground until well into my 20’s.

I moved to a hippie farm when I was 26. My life path radically changed. I learned how to garden, lived simply in a 90 square foot cabin, and met the love of my life. (Watch my 5 minute TED-like talk about it here.)

I love art fairs. I could go to one every weekend! My all-time favorite find was a ceramic totem I placed in my front yard garden.

I’m a health nut. I love to bike, hike, and walk and I go to my neighborhood Y to work out 3 times a week.

A few years ago I quit my job and traveled to Africa for two months to volunteer with a fair trade organization.

I’m a book nut, too. My mom, sister and I had a weekly book club for 4 years. They live in Philly and I live in WI, so we had a three way call each Monday. (They usually last 2 hours!) I share great books I’ve read recently here.

My favorite vegetable to grow is spinach because it’s one of the only vegetables that can survive the winter in Wisconsin. Something I can barely do myself!

When it comes to most things in life, especially gardening, I’m a minimalist. I focus on the essentials and like minimal fuss.

At the prompting of my life coach, around my 38th birthday I gifted myself with a “week of being”. The goal was to do nothing for the entire week! You can read about my experience here.

I drink a smoothie for breakfast every day. This is my favorite source for recipes.

My husband and I often take the month of January off from work to travel to distant locations. We’ve spent time in Oaxaca and Chiapas in Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile, Hawaii, Thailand, Laos, New Zealand, the coast of CA, and our second favorite city of Portland, OR. You can read about many of our trips here.

My previous garden (which we built from scratch) was featured on the popular website Apartment Therapy. See the before and after here.

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